Jenotaliseds notidik valik
Kobojonam jenotalisedas löpükamas, moükamas, jelodamas, stöbamas e guvanas. Ad brefükam lisedi, kanoy välön lisedasoti, gebananemi, u padi tefik.
- 00:45, 2016 yulul 7id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user बिप्लब आनन्द (0 edits) to Biplab Anand
- 18:31, 2016 yunul 5id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Acee8 (0 edits) to Nuevo Paso (Per :m:SRUC)
- 19:40, 2016 mayul 4id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Riley Huntley (0 edits) to ~riley (Per :m:SRUC)
- 18:41, 2016 mayul 4id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots moved page Geban:Riley Huntley to Geban:~riley (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Riley Huntley" to "~riley")
- 19:27, 2016 yanul 15id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Simeondahl (0 edits) to Simeon Dahl (per request)
- 19:07, 2015 dekul 30id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots moved page Geban:Hahc21/common.js to Geban:Razr Nation/common.js (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Hahc21" to "Razr Nation")
- 19:07, 2015 dekul 30id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots moved page Geban:Hahc21/common.css to Geban:Razr Nation/common.css (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Hahc21" to "Razr Nation")
- 19:04, 2015 dekul 30id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots moved page Geban:Hahc21 to Geban:Razr Nation (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Hahc21" to "Razr Nation")
- 19:01, 2015 dekul 30id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Hahc21 (0 edits) to Razr Nation (Per :m:SRUC)
- 14:15, 2015 novul 2id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots moved page Geban:Érico Júnior Wouters/common.js to Geban:Érico/common.js (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Érico Júnior Wouters" to "Érico")
- 11:08, 2015 novul 2id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Érico Júnior Wouters (1 edit) to Érico (Per :en:WP:CHUS)
- 16:23, 2015 gustul 29id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Robin0van0der0vliet to Robin van der Vliet (per request)
- 15:16, 2015 gustul 5id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Hedoport to Profesjonalizm (per request)
- 15:07, 2015 gustul 2id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user Ebraminio (0 edits) to Ebrahim (Per :m:SRUC)
- 15:46, 2015 mayul 26id Steinsplitter bespik keblünots renamed user VahidouGaumarjos (0 edits) to A.Vahid (per request)
- 22:28, 2013 febul 24id User account Steinsplitter bespik keblünots was created automatically