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Hi Millosh! Welcome to the Volapük Wiktionary.

We're currently uploading information to fill up Volapük words (empty templates) from the canonical lexicographic sources of Volapük: Arie de Jong's Wörterbuch der Weltsprache, his Fövots (Supplements) and the Vöds nulik (New words) section in his Volapük journal Volapükgased pro Nedänapükans). The last word that has been entered is fövön ('to continue').

There is a lot of work to do before reaching our ultimate goal. A few examples of the kind of article we are ultimately striving for are gud and bad. If you'd like to help, please contact the local main admin (me) to discuss your planned contributions! --Smeira 23:05, 3 yanul 2008 (UTC)