Lüükön yegädi- A mistake has been introduced into Volapük (possibly first in Ralph Midgley's Volapük-English English-Volapük dictionary), by confusing two similar words, namely "möv" (shunting, switching) and "mev" (gull, seagull). This mistake has also entered various online dictionaries. Cf. mev-li? <> Ralph Midgley wrote: Gidetol! Vöd „möv” binon pöl. Vöd „mev” sinifon 'seagull/Möwe” Sekü atos, ekoräkob vödabuki obik. Danö! <> vo: -- Hope this helps. Have an excellent day! Hans-Friedrich Tamke (talk) 15:59, 2013 yanul 3id (UTC)
(Translation: HFT) Vo: Vöd „möv” binon pöl. Vöd „mev” sinifon 'seagull/Möwe” Sekü atos, ekoräkob vödabuki obik. Danö! = en: The word "möv" is a mistake. The word "mev" means "[en:]seagull/[de:]Möwe" Hence, I corrected my dictionary. Thanks!
Conpare these Volapük, German and English words. -- vo: mövalemüf = de: Rangiermaschine, en: shunting (BrE), switching (AmE) locomotive; de: rangieren = en: to shunt (BrE), to switch (AmE) vo: möv + a + lemüf; vo: lemüf = de: Lokomotive, en: locomotive, railway locomotive, locomotive engine <> vo: lemüficinädan = de: Lokomotivführer = en: engine driver (BrE), engineer (AmE) vo: lemüfifiletan = de: Lokomotivheizer <http://volapü>
vo: mövan = de: Rangierer, en: shunter (BrE), switcher (AmE) (a person who shunts, switches) vo: möv (shunting, switching) + an (person) vo: mövarut = de: Rangiergeleise, en: shunting track vo: möv + a + rut vo: möv (shunting, switching) + a (genitive) = rut (track)
vo: ferodarutaveg = de: Schienenbahn, Schienenweg, Schienenstrang
de: Schienenbahn = en: railway, railroad de: Schienenstrang = en: section of track, stretch of track de: Schienenweg = en: railroad line (AmE), railway line (Br), railway track (Br)
vo: smilamev <http://volapü> Chroicocephalus ridibundus, syn:, Larus ridibundus = vo: smil (laughter, laughing) + a (genitive) + mev (gull, seagull) vo: mev (gull, seagull) (< changed) < de: Möwe (gull, seagull) de: Lachmöwe (lit. laughter, laughing gull/ seagull) (Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Syn. Larus ridibundus) <öwe> en: Black-headed Gull <> -- Hans-Friedrich Tamke (talk) 15:59, 2013 yanul 3id (UTC)
- This page does not have to be deleted after all. It just needs to be corrected. I will correct it. Both möv "shunting, switching (railroading)" and mev "gull, seagull" exist as words in Volapük, they were just confused with each other. Sorry, my mistake. Hans-Friedrich Tamke (talk) 04:02, 2013 yanul 4id (UTC)