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Klads lüodüköl

Su pad at klads lüodüköl palisedons, kels itjäfidiko penüpenons fa nünömaprograms ela MediaWiki. Nems onas kanons pavotükön dub cein sitanunas teföl in spadanem: Sitanuns.

Klad lüodükölNem nunaStipots ad keninükön ini klad
Pads ko yüms döfik lä nüneds (1 p)broken-file-categoryPad at ninädon yümi döfik lä nüned (sevabo uti diseinöl ad nüpladön nünedi, kel jenöfo no dabinon)
Pads geböl nelaidastabädis dönuik pö flag samotas (vagik)duplicate-args-categoryPads ninädons flagis ut samotas, kels gebons dönuamis nelaidastabädas, soäs {{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} u {{foo|bar|1=baz}}.
Pads, pö kels dibät stäänikama pepluükon (vagik)expansion-depth-exceeded-categoryPö pad at maxum dibäta stäänikama pepluükon.
Pads, kels vokons tusuvo „parser“-sekätis jerik (vagik)expensive-parserfunction-categoryPad at gebon diletajäfidis tu mödikis siti dafenükölis (bidü #ifexist). Reidolöd eli Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit.
Klads peklänedöl (64 k)hidden-category-categoryKlad at ninädon eli __HIDDENCAT__ in ninäd pada okik, kelos neleton dajoni ona nen flag patik in frems pro kladayüms su pads.
Pads mafädanumöls (vagik)index-categoryPad at labon su ok eli __INDEX__ (e duton lü nemaspad, kö mäk at binon dälovik), klu pabejäfon kalkulölo ven atos kösömiko no padunonöv.
Pads, pö kels kalkul resodasnobas nemögon demü tumöd (vagik)node-count-exceeded-categoryPö pad at maxum pepluükon tefü kalkul resodasnobas.
Pads nemafädanumöl (13 p)noindex-categoryPad at no paledemon fa nünömaprograms itjäfidik, bi labon su ok vödi „magivik”: __NOINDEX__ e duton lü nemaspad, kö mäk at binon dälovik.
Pads labü süntagamals: ‚formatnum’ no numatiks (vagik)nonnumeric-formatnumPad at ninädon binädi no numatiki pö jäfid diletik tefü el formatnum.
Pads labü samafomotaparamets pemoädöl (vagik)post-expand-template-argument-categoryPad at pos mairöl parameta in samot (bos vü kläms kilik bidü {{{Foo}}}) binonöv gretotikum ka $wgMaxArticleSize.
Pads, pö kels gretot samafomotas peninüköl pluon lä maxum. (vagik)post-expand-template-inclusion-categoryGretot pada pos logädükam samotas valik binonöv gretikum ka $wgMaxArticleSize, seko samots anik no pemairölons.
Pads labü tiäds padajonöl panedemöl (vagik)restricted-displaytitle-ignoredPad at labon eli {{DISPLAYTITLE}} panedemöl, bi at no binon leigätod tefü padatiäd nuik.
Pads geböl eli = as samot (vagik)template-equals-categoryPad ninädon eli {{=}}, but pö vükatoped at no pasäjüfon as =. Gebäd somik no binon komandabik; sotül fütürik ela MediaWiki ojenöfükon {{=}} gönü jäfid dileta.
Pads labü nünakeds snalasümik samotas (vagik)template-loop-categoryPad at ninädon nünaked snalasümik samotas, sevabo samot, kel nino flagon oki it.
Pads, pö kels limit dibäta sotüla: ‚Unstrip’ pepluükon (vagik)unstrip-depth-categoryPö pad at limit dibäta sotüla: ‚Unstrip’ pepluükon
Pads, pö kels limit gretota ma ‚Unstrip’ pepluükon (vagik)unstrip-size-categoryPö pad at limit gretota ma ‚Unstrip’ pepluükon.
Pads labü pükakot neverärik. (vagik)bad-language-code-categoryPad at ninädon {{#dir}} labü pükakot neverätik.
Pads labü magodagretots ninädöl kvadülis zuik. (vagik)double-px-categoryPad at ninädon magodi, gretot kela ninädon poyümoti zuik sota: px, äs sam: 100pxpx.
Pages using the EasyTimeline extension (vagik)timeline-tracking-categoryThe page includes a <timeline> tag
Pages using the WikiHiero extension (vagik)wikihiero-usage-tracking-categoryThis category is automatically added to pages that use WikiHiero extension
Pages with reference errors that trigger visual diffs (vagik)cite-tracking-category-cite-diffing-errorPages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags, and these errors are not rendered in the same way in the legacy parser and in Parsoid.
Pages with reference errors (vagik)cite-tracking-category-cite-errorPages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags.
Pages that use extended references (vagik)cite-tracking-category-ref-extendsPages in this category use the "extends" attribute of the <ref> tag.
Pages with syntax highlighting errors (vagik)syntaxhighlight-error-categoryThere was an error when attempting to highlight code included on the page.
Pages using deprecated enclose attributes (vagik)syntaxhighlight-enclose-categoryThe syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated enclose syntax.
Pages using deprecated source tags (1 p)syntaxhighlight-source-categoryThe syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated source tags.
Pages using deprecated categorytree parameters (vagik)categorytree-deprecation-categoryThe page uses deprecated categorytree parameters like onlyroot.
Pages transcluding nonexistent sections (vagik)lst-invalid-section-categoryThe page uses a #lst or #lsth parser function that references a section that doesn't exist on the given page.
Pages using deprecated score attributes (vagik)score-deprecated-categoryThese pages use options provided by the Score extension which are deprecated. These are: "override_audio", "override_ogg", and "override_midi".
Pages using the Score extension (vagik)score-use-categoryThese pages use the Score extension.
Pages with score rendering errors (vagik)score-error-categoryThere was an error while rendering the score.
TemplateStyles stylesheets with errors (vagik)templatestyles-stylesheet-error-categoryThe TemplateStyles stylesheet has an error.
Pages with TemplateStyles errors (vagik)templatestyles-page-error-categoryThere was an error when processing a <templatestyles/> tag on the page.
MassMessage delivery lists (vagik)massmessage-list-categoryThe page is a delivery list for the MassMessage extension.
Files with no machine-readable license (1 r)commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-licenseThe file does not have any machine-readable license template.
Files with no machine-readable description (1 r)commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-descriptionThe file does not have a machine-readable information template, or its description field is not filled out.
Files with no machine-readable author (1 r)commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-authorThe file does not have a machine-readable information template, or its author field is not filled out.
Files with no machine-readable source (1 r)commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-sourceThe file does not have a machine-readable information template, or its source field is not filled out.
Files with no machine-readable patent (vagik)commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-patentThe file does not have a machine-readable patent template.
Pages with math errors (vagik)math-tracking-category-errorPages in this category have errors in the usage of math tags.
Pages with math render errors (vagik)math-tracking-category-render-errorPages in this category have rendering errors in the math tags.
Pages that use a deprecated format of the chem tags (vagik)math-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecationPages in this category use a deprecated format of the chem tags
Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags (vagik)math-tracking-category-texvc-deprecationPages in this category use a deprecated format of the math tags
Pages using babel with named parameters (vagik)babel-template-params-categoryThe page passes a name=value parameter to the #babel parser function. The behavior of these parameters may change in the near future.
Klad pesäjäfidükondiscussiontools-comments-before-first-heading-categoryThe discussion page contains comments in the lede section (before first heading). This may cause the lede or the comments to be displayed incorrectly, especially in the mobile version and in mobile apps.
Pages with script errors (vagik)scribunto-common-error-categoryThere was an error when processing the modules included on the page.
Scribunto modules with errors (vagik)scribunto-module-with-errors-categoryThe module has an error in it.
Pages with unresolved properties (vagik)unresolved-property-categoryThis category lists pages that reference Wikidata properties that cannot be found neither by their property ID nor label.
Redirects connected to a Wikidata item (vagik)connected-redirect-categoryThis category lists redirect pages that are connected to a Wikidata item.
Pages with too many Wikidata entities accessed (vagik)exceeded-entity-limit-categoryThis category lists pages with too many Wikidata entities accessed.
Pages using the JsonConfig extension (vagik)jsonconfig-use-categoryThese pages use the mw.ext.data.get method provided by the JsonConfig extension. The mw.ext.data.get method is considered expensive.
Pages using the Kartographer extension (vagik)kartographer-tracking-categoryThe page includes a map
Pages with broken maps (vagik)kartographer-broken-categoryThe page includes an invalid map usage
Pages using the Phonos extension (vagik)phonos-tracking-categoryThe page uses the Phonos extension.
Pages with Phonos rendering errors (vagik)phonos-error-categoryThere was an error while rendering Phonos.
Pages with graphs (vagik)graph-tracking-categoryThe page includes a <graph> tag.
Pages with disabled graphs (vagik)graph-disabled-categoryThe page includes a <graph> tag, which is temporarily not available (T334940).
Pads geböl yümis yuföl di ‚ISBN’ (vagik)magiclink-tracking-isbnPad at gebon yümis yuföl di ‚ISBN’. Logolös eli mediawiki.org tefü mod ad dadunön feapladami.
Pads geböl yümis yuföl di ‚RFC’ (vagik)magiclink-tracking-rfcPad at gebon yümis yuföl di ‚RFC’. Logolös eli mediawiki.org tefü mod ad dadunön feapladami.
Pads geböl yümis yuföl di ‚PMID’. (vagik)magiclink-tracking-pmidPad at gebon yümis yuföl di ‚PMID’. Logolös eli mediawiki.org tefü mod ad dadunön feapladami.